Sleep apnea happens when a person’s throat is partly or completely blocked.

How Do I Know If I Have Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea ranges from mild to severe. It can affect anyone, but is more common in people who are middle aged or older, who snore, who are above a healthy weight and who have sleep apnea in the family.

People with naturally narrow throats or nasal passages, and children with enlarged tonsils, are also heavily prone.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms can include:

  • pauses in breathing while sleeping, which may be noticed by other people
  • snoring
  • tossing and turning
  • waking up gasping or choking
  • tiredness and feeling unrefreshed after sleep

Treating sleep apnea will help you sleep more easily, and may reduce the risks of the following health concerns:

  • diabetes
  • stroke
  • poor memory and lack of concentration
  • headaches

Sleep apnea can also lead to motor vehicle and workplace accidents.

So How Do I Treat My Sleep Apnea?

If you feel signs of sleep apnea, you should book a visit with your dentist and address these concerns. Your dentist will then refer you to a general practitioner or specialist to have some sleep studies conducted.

Usually, an mandibular advancement appliance, is recommended to open your airways and thus help your sleep apnea.


Kellyville Ridge dentist serves the local communities in KellyvilleNorth KellyvilleBeaumont HillsRouse HillSchofieldsThe PondsStanhope GardensParkleaGlenwood, and Lalor Park.

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We are located at G4/8 Merriville Rd in Kellyville Ridge.

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