Why choose teeth whitening at the dentist?

Teeth whitening kits from home may be tempting to opt for because it may appear cheaper and easier as you have the freedom to do it whenever you have time.

However, if teeth whitening is done incorrectly, complications such as sensitivity can occur.

Long-lasting sensitivity can occur if the treatment is not conducted properly under the supervision of your dental practitioner, hence, it is vital to seek advice from your dentist prior to going ahead.

Importantly, if the whitening gel is left on your teeth for too long, sensitivity can occur and can then result in ongoing pain. What to do if you have a toothache?

Furthermore, for your convenience, at Dental Cube we offer at- home and in-chair teeth whitening options

Teeth Whitening at Dental Cube

Upon visiting our practice for your consult, Dr Amrita will thoroughly discuss with you the treatment options and if you choose to go ahead with the at-home option, a customised tray will be made for you. As a result, the tray will fit around your teeth gently and allows for whitening on the surface and in between your teeth.

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  • We offer interest-free payment plans with National Dental Plan- powered by Humm, Afterpay and Zip Money

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